Thursday, August 25, 2016

weight loss after having a baby 2 simple tips to help you !

1. "super foods."

 When you're a new mother, your body needs maximum nutrition, especially if you're nursing. Choose foods that are very heavy in the nutrients you need and light in calories and fat.

Fish is one of these "super foods" because it's packed with DHA, an essential omega-3 fatty acid that will help your newborn develop a healthy brain and a healthy nervous system. magnificent sources of DHA are cold-water fish for example salmon, sardines, and tuna (stick to canned light tuna because albacore tends to be forthcoming high in mercury).

Milk and yogurt are also some super foods because they're high in the calcium you need to keep those bones strong. And don't forget the protein. Lean meat, chicken, and beans are low in fat and high in protein and fiber. They make you feel competent, and they'll keep you feeling full for longer.

Good luck on shedding those pounds after having that wonderful baby!

2. Breastfeeding

Whether breastfeeding can actually help you lose weight is still up in the air --  but some studies find that breastfeeding exclusively can help you to return to your pre-baby weight faster, while others find there is no difference in weight loss between women who breastfeed and those who bottle feed.
What is for sure is that breastfeeding is absolutely  good for your baby, boosting immunity and providing just the right number  of other important health benefits. And nursing exclusively lets you add approximately an extra 300 calories a day to your diet (you can add slightly more calories if you have a really huge eater or twins). Just make sure that if you do decide to breastfeed, you don't use it as an excuse to eat whatever you want.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

2 simple ways to keep those pounds off stay fit lose weight and be healthy

1. Never get too hungry
You make some very poor decisions when you're judgment is compromised. Being hungry is a primal urge that’s often difficult to deny. When you're famished, it's just hard to hold off until you can find healthy food to eat. As a result, you end up snacking on anything that's not nailed down, and typically,you whined up regretting it. Planning your meals and snacks works wonders to head off the super intense hunger that can do a number on your best intentions to eat healthy. Always tote healthy snacks, such as an ounce of pistachios, a hard-cooked egg and some whole grain crackers to name a few, Greek yogurt, or 1/4 cup raisins. Don't skip meals or skimp on them, either.

2.Eat only one less bite

doing this every meal will save you on average about 75 calories a day so give it a shot and you'll be surprised at how quickly you will lose some extra pounds.
next time you think about eating the whole meal read this post bookmark it !