Tuesday, August 23, 2016

2 simple ways to keep those pounds off stay fit lose weight and be healthy

1. Never get too hungry
You make some very poor decisions when you're judgment is compromised. Being hungry is a primal urge that’s often difficult to deny. When you're famished, it's just hard to hold off until you can find healthy food to eat. As a result, you end up snacking on anything that's not nailed down, and typically,you whined up regretting it. Planning your meals and snacks works wonders to head off the super intense hunger that can do a number on your best intentions to eat healthy. Always tote healthy snacks, such as an ounce of pistachios, a hard-cooked egg and some whole grain crackers to name a few, Greek yogurt, or 1/4 cup raisins. Don't skip meals or skimp on them, either.

2.Eat only one less bite

doing this every meal will save you on average about 75 calories a day so give it a shot and you'll be surprised at how quickly you will lose some extra pounds.
next time you think about eating the whole meal read this post bookmark it !

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